SECTION 1. Coverage. — This Rule shall cover the functions and responsibilities of the OEDB. It shall apply to employers hiring through the OEDB and to workers processed and placed by said agency.
SECTION 2. Role of the OEDB. — The OEDB shall be the government placement agency for overseas employment. In cooperation with other relevant agencies and entities, it shall also be responsible for developing employment and wage standards and such support services as may be necessary for the government's overseas employment program. (Modified by Sec. 1, Rule II, Bk. IV POEA Rules and Regulations)
SECTION 3. Employment development. — The promotion and development of employment opportunities abroad shall be undertaken by the OEDB, in cooperation with relevant government agencies and entities, through organized and systematic activities and services which shall include among others, the following:
(a) A comprehensive manpower marketing strategy and to dispatch OEDB development officers abroad for this purpose;
(b) Develop and promote programs or arrangements that would encourage the hiring of Filipinos in organized or corporate groups;
(c) Scout for labor market for unskilled workers, among others; and
(d) Promote Filipino manpower through advertising in appropriate media overseas. (Modified by Sec. 1, Rule I, Bk. IV POEA Rules and Regulations)
SECTION 4. Recruitment and placement. — a) The OEDB shall recruit and place workers primarily on government-to-government arrangements, and shall therefore service the hiring of foreign governments and their instrumentalities and, in addition:
(1) Recruit and place workers of particular skills categories as may be directed by the Secretary;
(2) Administer employment programs or projects as may be directed by the Secretary; and
(3) In cooperation with the Regional Offices of the Department, undertake organized recruitment activities in the provinces in aid of the employment dispersal policy of the Department.
b) The employer shall enter into a bilateral recruitment agreement with the OEDB. The employer shall directly assist the OEDB in selecting appropriate workers from its manpower pool.
c) The OEDB shall ensure that the worker through appropriate undertakings complies with his obligations arising from the employment contract.
SECTION 5. Documents requirements. — An employer hiring through the OEDB shall submit the following documents:
a) Authority from the government of the employer to hire Filipino workers;
b) Work permit or visa assurance of workers; and
c) Recruitment Order which shall state the number and categories of workers needed, compensation benefits, qualification guidelines, testing procedures and a model employment contract. (Modified by Sec. 2, Rule II, POEA Rules and Regulations)
SECTION 6. Formalization of a Recruitment Agreement. — Employers hiring through the Administration shall be required to formalize a Recruitment Agreement which shall be in accordance with existing bilateral labor agreements, if any. The Recruitment Agreement shall, among others, contain the following provisions:
a. Responsibilities of the parties to the agreement;
b. Selection and documentation procedures;
c. Fee schedules and terms of payment;
d. Manner and facilities for remittance of workers' salary;
e. Grievance Machinery for workers; and
f. Validity and revocation of the agreement.
The standards and requirements set by the Administration for the recruitment and placement of workers overseas shall apply to hiring thru the Administration. (Sec. 3, Rule II, Bk. IV POEA Rules and Regulations)
SECTION 7. Recruitment and Placement Procedures. — a) Interview and Selection — An employer hiring through the Administration shall select his workers from the manpower pool developed and maintained by the Administration;
b) Medical Examination. — Selected workers shall undergo and pass a standard pre-employment medical examination conducted by a duly accredited medical retainer of the Administration;
c) Ticketing and Flight Arrangements. — The employer shall assume the full cost of workers' transportation to and from the place of work, For this purpose, the Administration shall handle the flight arrangements and/or ticketing of workers hired. Should the employer decide to handle its own ticketing, he shall be required to course pre-paid tickets through the Administration for appropriate flight booking.
d) Orientation. — Before the worksite, hired workers shall undergo the required Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS). (Sec. 4, Rule II, Bk. IV POEA Rules and Regulations)
SECTION 8. Documentation of Workers. — a) Contract Processing — Workers hired through the Administration shall be issued the following documents:
(1) Individual Employment Contract duly signed by the employer or the proper administration official where appropriate;
(2) Travel Exit Pass;
(3) Endorsement letter to PTA, and
(4) Such other documents as may be necessary for travel.
b) Passport Documentation. — The Administration may secure directly the selected worker's passport from the Department of Foreign Affairs. All transmittals and endorsements for passport issuance shall be undertaken directly by the Administration.
c) Visa Arrangements. — The Administration may assist employers and selected workers secure their visas from the appropriate Embassy. Visa forms may be accomplished by the worker at the Administration. The accomplished visa forms together with the passport shall be endorsed by the Administration directly to the Embassy.
SECTION 9. Workers protection. — The OEDB shall protect and enhance the interest, well-being and welfare of workers and, for this purpose, it shall undertake:
a) To establish wage and compensation standards, employments and conditions, by region or by country, which shall be prescribed by the Secretary;
b) To provide facilities for skills development and testing, pre-employment medical examination, pre-departure work/or language orientation, foreign exchange remittance assistance, re-entry and re-employment assistance, accident insurance, among others, and
c) To implement a grievance procedure in accordance with the provisions of this Title and the development objectives of the OEDB.
SECTION 10. Dispute settlement. — The following shall be adhered to in handling employee-employer disputes:
a) In the event of a dispute between employee and employer, the complainant and/or respondent shall submit such dispute to the OEDB for conciliation or mediation. If the dispute is not settled at this stage, the OEDB shall certify the case to the Secretary for final decision.
b) The OEDB, under appropriate circumstances, may suspend, prohibit or prevent an employer from further recruitment activities in the country. The OEDB also under appropriate circumstances, may suspend, prohibit or prevent workers from being placed overseas.
c) Whenever circumstances warrant, the OEDB may dispatch an officer to the worksite to conciliate or mediate employee-employer disputes, in coordination with other appropriate government agencies.
SECTION 11. Welfare Services. — The OEDB shall establish and support a Secretariat for the Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers (Welfund) in accordance with P. D. 1412 and P. D. 1691. Upon the operationalization of the Welfare Fund under P. D. 1694, the functions and responsibilities of such Secretariat shall be assumed by the Welfund.
SECTION 12. Foreign exchange. — The OEDB shall develop and monitor the compliance with the foreign exchange remittance requirements under this Title by employers and workers. It shall establish an office in the OEDB for this purpose in coordination with relevant government agencies.
SECTION 13. Auxiliary services. — The OEDB may, upon approval of its Board, initiate, organize, and establish auxiliary services in support of the overseas employment development program.
SECTION 14. Overseas information system. — The OEDB shall, in coordination with relevant agencies, establish a system of gathering, collating, evaluating and disseminating data and information concerning the Department's overseas employment program.
SECTION 15. Fees and other charges. — The OEDB shall collect reasonable administrative or service fees from employers. It shall not collect service fee from workers.
SECTION 16. Authority to issue rules. — The OEDB shall issue rules and regulations, instructions or orders governing its functions and responsibilities.